Fall Genesis Coach Training
General Events
October 2, 2023 - October 6, 2023
- This event has passed.
Plan to attend this interactive in-person training to become a Genesis Process coach or counselor, with a particular emphasis on program implementation.
The Genesis Process is an integration of Biblical principles, proven relapse prevention techniques, cognitive therapy, and the latest research in neurochemistry. This process has proven successful in maintaining long-term recovery in clinical trials and recovery programs.
Those who complete the course will be able to take individuals or groups through the Genesis Process to create an individualized, relapse prevention plan. This course is the first step to getting to the next level of becoming a Certified Genesis Counselor. Training materials are provided.
This course is taught by Dean Perry, who has more than 20 years of working with individuals, churches, and programs with the Genesis Process.
Topics Will Include:
- Safe and effective counseling skills
- How to ask self-discovery questions to promote client ownership and individualized recovery
- Motivating clients to have hope and face fears in the way of change
- Techniques to bring God’s healing to belief systems that drive harmful coping behaviors.
- Strategies to deinstitutionalize clients to create a lifestyle of recovery
- The 3 types of Genesis tools to bring change and healing, including the FASTER scale and the Double Bind.
This training will occur October 2 – 6 at Warsaw Community Church. Lunch will be provided M-Th and breakfast provided on Friday.
This training will be from 8:30am – 5pm M-Th of that week and from 8:30am – 12pm on Friday.