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Learn More About Fellowship Missions: Frequently Asked Questions


Posted by: Eric Lane 12 months ago

We love being able to answer your questions and share more about how our ministry works here at Fellowship Missions. If you missed our first FAQ blog post, you can check it out here.

Have a question we haven’t answered yet? You can always reach us via email at or connect with us on Facebook or Instagram!

Is there a time of year when the shelter is more full?

It’s easy to assume that our emergency shelter is more in demand during certain times of the year, but the truth is that we operate at capacity year-round. There are always people who need help and a safe place to stay.

Our goal is to not only provide food and shelter to those who need it but to also help our emergency shelter residents become self-sustaining members of our Kosciusko County community.

If someone needs shelter and we don’t have room here at Fellowship Missions, we work with our local community partners to help find them a safe place to stay.

Do you or a loved one need help finding shelter immediately? Call now: 574-268-9555

How can I help?

We get this question regularly and we love that our community is so invested in helping us and one another.

If you want to volunteer with us, it’s easy to get started by filling out an application. If you have a specific skill you’d like to use to help Fellowship Missions, please let us know!

If volunteering isn’t the right fit for you, we are always accepting both monetary donations and physical donations. You can check our Needs List online or call us to find out the best way to donate items our residents and staff need. 

Do you have any beds available?

This is one of our most commonly asked questions, especially through our Facebook and Instagram messaging platforms. The best way to get this information is to call us. Since our capacity can change quickly, calling us ensures you get the most up-to-date information available.

We also have new intake protocols we need to follow due to COVID-19. By calling us to check if we have beds available, we can ensure you understand the new intake process and that helps us make sure we keep everyone safe and healthy.

Want To Learn More?

If you have more questions about Fellowship Missions or just want to find out how you can help support the work we do here in our Kosciusko County community, click below to get in touch!