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Volunteer Opportunities: Disciple-Making Training


Posted by: Eric Lane 4 years ago

We’re so excited to announce a new part of our Catalyst Program: the addition of disciple-making training for volunteers. At Fellowship Missions, we believe that discipleship is a vital part of helping our shelter residents transition into becoming self-sufficient.

What Does A Disciple-Maker Do?

Disciple-Makers will work with individuals participating in the Catalyst Program to encourage them in their relationship with God. We want to ensure that each shelter resident has purpose and meaning in their life. Disciple-Makers are a part of that journey that will help residents guide and shape their purpose and meaning as they become more and more self-sufficient.

Who Can Be A Disciple-Maker?

We are looking for Disciple-Makers who are committed to obeying God’s command in Matthew 22:34-40 and want to be a part of fulfilling God’s commission in Matthew 28:18-20

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.”

If you have a love for others, a servant’s heart and are committed to following Jesus, you could be the right fit to volunteer as a Disciple-Maker at Fellowship Missions.

What Does Disciple-Maker Training Involve?

Training for our discipleship volunteers will include more education around topics in the Bible, such as:

  • How to lead groups and provide one-on-one counseling
  • The Biblical Essentials series
  • Understanding the Old Testament
  • Bible Study Methods

Training will also include a time for questions and answers, time for sharing prayer requests and praises, and relationship-building exercises

Disciple-Maker Training will need to be completed quarterly so Disciple-Makers can gather as a team, receive additional training and education.

Disciple-Making is for all followers of Christ. You’ll never be alone in this journey. Fellowship Missions is dedicated in ensuring that all Disciple-Makers are prepared and supported. Disciple-Making doesn’t mean you have all the answers. Instead, its a commitment to grow as you walk alongside a new believer in Christ.”

David Wildman, Discipleship Manager

Attend Disciple-Maker Training

We will be scheduling our next Disciple-Maker Training soon! Please call David Wildman if you have questions or if you’re interested in participating. He can be reached at Fellowship Missions: (574) 253-4140 or via email at

Not ready to be a Disciple-Maker? That’s ok! Discover other ways you can help our community through Fellowship Missions.