Kathy connecting with her Recovery Mentor, Ronna
At Fellowship Missions we’ve seen firsthand how addiction and substance abuse can destroy lives. We’ve also been blessed to see the other side of addiction, when someone commits to working their recovery program and is able to heal and thrive again.
That’s why we want to share Kathy’s story with you. Kathy first came to Fellowship Missions on December 23, 2019. In January of 2021, she made her first transition out of our shelter to live with her family again.
During that time she also began connecting with a new church, attended new support meetings, and maintained relationships with her Recovery Mentor and Discipler at Fellowship Missions. She has been building friendships with several other women also in recovery.
Kathy’s transition from the shelter into this new phase of her life has been empowering and transformative for her. She was also recently notified that she’s eligible to transition into her own apartment in May. She’s done the hard work of facing her addiction and maintaining her recovery every step of the way.
We couldn’t be more proud of Kathy and hope you enjoy reading more about her recovery journey.
Kathy’s Story Of Addiction Recovery
When I think about when my addiction began, I think about the traumas I went through in my life. I was physically, mentally, and sexually abused throughout my life. By the time I was 16 years old, I smoked pot, drank, and did acid because I just didn’t want to feel anything.
Drugs like pot, cocaine, and meth were always a part of my life and I started hanging out with the wrong kind of people and getting in trouble with the police. I left home at 16 and moved to Arizona. During that time I had no respect or love for myself. I didn’t realize I was an addict until years later when I was arrested and the court ordered me to take drug classes.
My turning point came when I came back to Indiana and reconnected with my family. Unfortunately I relapsed again and let my family down. I had been sober for some time, but hadn’t changed the people, places, and things in my life. That’s why I relapsed.
I hit rock bottom. I was kicked out of my mother’s house with nowhere to go, I totaled my car and had nothing. I ended up in jail and when I was eventually released, I still had nowhere to live.
I didn’t want to live on the streets or risk bouncing from dope house to dope house. I signed up for drug court, hoping it was a way to get healthy after 42 years of using.
God led me to Fellowship Missions at that time, I walked through the doors on December 23, 2019.
Life At Fellowship Missions
When I checked into Fellowship Missions, I was excited to learn that it was a faith-based program. I knew I needed to get back to God through the Bible. I felt scared and alone when I first started, but I also felt God’s presence and knew I was safe there.
So many things at Fellowship Missions were keys to helping me gain my recovery. I became structured and accountable for the first time in my life simply because we had expectations of work that needed to be done each day and a schedule.
Every day my confidence and self-worth grew as I became closer to God and those around me supporting me at the shelter. I prayed every day for God to help keep me strong and to take my cravings and urges to use away.
Daily devotions were a big part of life at the shelter and attending daily meetings became a party of my life. I specifically connected with a daily devotional by Sarah Young called Jesus Calling. I spent time with that devotion every morning and God kept reinforcing this was the place for me to be.
Addiction Recovery Support Programs
In the beginning of my recovery journey, I was very depressed and kept to myself. I continued to see my psychiatrist at Bowen Center for support, but I still felt out of place.
In the spring of 2020, that changed for me when COVID hit. Because of the restrictions and lockdowns, we were able to move from the shelter to Camp Crosley!
It was a welcome change that allowed so many of us to refocus and regroup during the pandemic. Looking back, it was also key to helping me take my recovery to the next level.

Enjoying the fresh air and space at camp in the Spring of 2020!
While at camp, I attended two mandatory classes each week: Boundaries and Safe People. In addition to that, I attended the Recovery class twice a week.
I really loved the Safe People Class because I never knew what a safe person was until I took that class. I had only known “unsafe” people and I carried so much guilt and shame with me from my past because of that.
Through those classes I started to realize why I became an addict and that I never learned what healthy boundaries were earlier in my life. I became such a people pleaser that I never considered saying no, or that it was ok to say no.
Brooke Lane taught the Safe People class and spent one-on-one time with me at camp helping me process what I was learning. Ashlee Kreft taught the Boundaries class and offered the same support while Ann Hasse taught my Recovery class, helping me work the 12 step program and understand my triggers.
Every one of these classes helped me look at my past with new eyes and become aware of the potential trouble spots. With their help and God’s guidance, I was finally able to grow and move forward on my path of recovery!
Recovery Is Life-Changing
The staff and volunteers at Fellowship Missions are loving and caring people. I have so much respect for them and will forever love them for helping me change my life. I will always remember how they have truly helped me be stronger and proud of who I am now and what I have done with my life.
I see my worth now and how God has worked in my life. I am confident and most of all love myself. I had never loved myself before and that’s one of the biggest changes for me!
If you need help in recovery or finding your own self-worth or just need help because your way of trying to recover from addiction isn’t working, Fellowship Missions can help.
When we ask God to change our attitudes He will help us deal with our pride and empower us to stop hiding behind our masks. When we can yield ourselves to God in recovery He promises us future honor and restoration.
“When we admit we are powerless and our lives are unmanageable and out of control and when we turn our lives over to God He absolutely forgives us and all the guilt and shame goes away and is replaced with peace and love from the Holy Spirit.”
I have learned a lot of life’s real lessons from being at Fellowship Missions. God knows the difficulties we face day to day but promises us victory in the end. I am proud to be 16 months clean, sober, and in recovery. Praise God!
Need Help?
Do you or a loved one need help on the road to addiction recovery? No one should have to fight substance abuse and addiction alone. We’re here to help and provide you with the resources you need.