We are so thankful for our dedicated staff members at Fellowship Missions. One of the ways we show our appreciation is to occasionally feature them here on our blog.
Today we’re shining the spotlight on one of our newest staff members: Amy Music. Amy is the Women’s Side Coordinator at Fellowship Missions.
We hope you enjoy our interview with Amy!

What does a typical day at Fellowship Missions look like for you?
When I show up every day I never truly know what my day will look like! I’m here to serve the ladies on the women’s side of the shelter and that looks different depending on the day and the women I’m helping. No two days look the same at Fellowship Missions!
How long have you worked for Fellowship Missions and what made you want to work there?
I have been working at Fellowship Missions for 9 months. I was drawn to work in this type of position because of the life I lived before my relationship with Jesus Christ. It was a disordered life and I knew that I could use those experiences to help connect with and serve women who are in hard places.
What is the best part of your job?
I’m a huge fan of seeing children restored to their mothers. It brings me so much joy! I also love that we have an on-site Bible study every Wednesday for the ladies.
What have you gained from your experience working at Fellowship Missions?

It has allowed me to use my gifts and abilities to do something for God’s kingdom. The Lord saved me and opened my eyes seven years ago and I have never been the same. I long to see many more come to know Jesus!
What’s a fond memory you’ve made while working at Fellowship Missions?
Winter amnesty! I started working for Fellowship Missions in the middle of winter while we had a full house due to the cold temperatures, and it was quite a jump start to this job.
If you could learn how to do anything, what would it be?
I would learn to love as Jesus does.
If you could have dinner with any fictional character, who would it be?
What is one thing you hope people know about Fellowship Missions?
Everyone should experience it in some way or another. It’s hard to put into words all the good that happens here
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