Thank You – Responses From Our Residents
5 years ago

At Fellowship Missions, everything we do is focused on the goal of loving our neighbors. In these uncertain times during the COVID-19 outbreak, we wanted to take a moment and thank you for your support.
Because we’ve had to temporarily suspend volunteer involvement due to the outbreak, we’ve had to rely more heavily on community support. Our staff and our shelter residents have been overwhelmed by your generous response to our requests for donations. Your generosity has allowed us to continue to help men, women, and children struggling with homelessness here in the Warsaw community.
Not only that, but your donations have also allowed us to ensure the safety of our staff members working as essential employees in the emergency shelter.
We want to specifically say thank you for your generous donations of hand sanitizer, soap, and cloth masks designed to help protect everyone under our roof. As the COVID-19 crisis continues, our emergency shelter will still need more of these protective items.
We still need your help, to see our current list of needs, click here!
Messages From Our Emergency Shelter Residents

“I’ve been around in this town for a long time and people put their heart and soul into this place and God bless the people who are looking out for us. I just want to thank and praise God that they have been here for us.”
John (Resident)

“My reaction to all of the donations being brought in is simply overwhelming. Thank you very much, keep praying and we will all get through this together.”
Clint (Resident)

“It has been awesome! people are wonderful, and I can’t thank them enough and I want to thank them for their thoughts and prayers through these trying times. We are all in this together and I would like to thank you for your kindness, and I wish you all safety as well.”
Rose (Resident)

“I am very overwhelmed, absolutely overwhelmed. I have cried trying to put some of the donations away because of how grateful I am. I can’t believe how the community comes together for us. I watched church on Sunday, and they talked about how much they gave, and I just can’t wait to be able to give back like they have given to us. I feel very blessed. I would like to say God bless to each and every one of you, I feel the lord’s presence because of what they have shown. Keep safe. I pray for you just as much as you pray for us. I pray that you and your families are all well.”
Kathy (Resident)
“Thank you to WCC (Warsaw Community Church). The quality of food has been amazing and just seeing the generosity of people and how much they care.”
Kyle (Resident)
Anyone Can Make A Difference At Fellowship Missions
It doesn’t matter who you are, what your skills are, or what your financial resources are – you can help Fellowship Missions through prayer or giving during this time during the COVID-19 outbreak. With your help, we can continue to make a lasting difference in the lives of those affected by homelessness and addiction in our community!